My Paperweight Links
This short list of links is completely arbitrary and no attempt to be complete. There are much more comprehensive link pages on the web - no point to compete with them.
Projects and Societies / Few selected Sellers / Other useful Links
Projects and Societies
is still in it's infancy, but is planned to provide a safe place to glass
related web sites for future reference, and digital information for download: have
a look!
I collect paperweights from all over the world and all times -
as long as I can afford them ;-). My main interest are Scottish paperweights,
however, and I am trying to help with the online glass catalogue on
My main contribution at the moment is the attempt to fill in as many gaps as
possible in the catalogue of
If you have any questions or want to contribute any images, don't hesitate to
contact me at
If you are looking for more information on paperweights more
in general, visit the pages of the
(British) Paperweight
Collectors Circle
or the
(American) Paperweight
Collectors Association.
You may even consider joining them, e.g. to receive their interesting regular
Few selected Sellers
Allan Scott is now selling some of his one-off paperweights directly (Biography / The Perthshire Years)
Alastair MacIntosh also used to work for Caithness, and is now producing paperweights and other art glass on his own.
William Manson trained with Paul Ysart at Caithness and Harland, and is now producing magnificent lampwork weights on his own.
Tonnage Bridge Cottage is selling the paperweight collection (mostly Caithness) of Freda Spivey for the benefit of charities.
Josordoni Collectables offers a wide variety of paperweights and other collectables for very reasonable prices.
Alan Thornton is an expert on Old English paperweights, also sells other antique weights - and offers a lot of useful information on his pages.
Susanin's (Chicago) also have occasionally paperweights in their auctions.
Other useful Links
Richard More has compiled the most comprehensive information on Strathearn paperweights.
Great Glass provides very brief information on a large number of glass manufacturers.
Glas-Marken-Lexikon also provides brief information on a large number of glass manufacturers (in German, free registration for basic data).
Glossary of Paperweight Identification Terms / Glossar (in German)
kiwiglassbird shows a very nice selection of her Caithness and other paperweights